How to Make Money on YouTube Without creating your own Videos
Oh hey, didn't see you there do you want to learn how to make money on YouTube using a simple weird niche? If so you're in the right place let me show you. Hey, whats up guys-welcome back to the studio like I said we're gonna being over an incredibly cool niche that I bet you guys have never even thought of. And I'm gonna be going over that niche on my computer here and show you some example channels in this niche and then exactly how you can make money making videos in this niche on YouTube.
If that sounds good then stick around because you are not going to wanna miss how exactly you can monetize this types of channels and do this exact method and start making money from home yourself using YouTube. So lets jump on the computer right here so I can show you guys exactly how this channels are making money. And more importantly how you can to. All right so if you guys didn't already guess by the intro today we are talking about meditation channels. Yes, you can actually make money on YouTube by running a meditation channel. Let me show you exactly what I mean.
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So jumping in here to the computer, as you guys can see, I searched for meditation, and look at all of these channels with hundreds of thousands of subscribers.
And all they do is make these simple, easy meditation videos. And in just a second, I'm actually gonna show you guys how you can outsource the content creation to other people and pay other people to make these videos for you. That's actually how I run nine-different YouTube channels, how I got that gold and silver play button over there. I have millions of subscribers across all of my channels. And this is how I do it. I wanna show you guys an actual example and an actual niche that you guys can take action in and start making money in and that is why I'm showing you guys the meditation niche today. So if we search meditation on YouTube, you can see this huge list of different meditation channels that pop up, each having hundreds of thousands of subscribers,
some even as much as millions of subscribers. 2.23 million subscribers for a channel called Meditative Mind this channel Meditation RelaxMusic 1.94 million subscribers so we know there's definitely-an appeal in a market for these types of meditation videos. Now if you're interested in seeing what types of videos that these people are making, we can actually go tune of their channels. So the second channel right here Michael Sealer this one particularly intrigued me, because it looks like just the guy just a single guy making these videos. He only has 152 videos on his YouTube channel because as you can see,some of these channels have thousand 660 videos, 1300 videos, I'm interested in channels like this guy Michael Sealey, who only have 152 videos on their channel yet almost a million subscribers he's about to hit a million subscribers . So taking a look at this channel right here. 993000 subscribers,his most popular upload 16 million views.
Okay guys, 42 minute video called Guided Meditation From Detachment From Overthinking." But he's got all These types of videos like Guided Meditation From Detachment. Rain and Thunder Relaxation. And my first thought was, these must be incredibly hard to make. And like I said in just a second, I'm gonna be showing you exactly how you can outsource this process and pay other people to make the videos for you without doing any of this yourself. But I just wanna show you guys, how easy these videos would be to make. So let me show you, let's go to his most recent upload, which was one week ago, so his most recent upload one week ago 189000 reviews. If we click this video right here, there's actually an ad on the video playing right now. So he is making money off of ads on his video. But here looking at the video, he's got a little disclaimer at the beginning saying that he's not liable for anything that happens due to his hypnosis sessions meditation sessions. But looking at the video, as you can see, the background is simply a stock footage looping background. So you can find these backgrounds on places like, There's tons of different marketplaces, where you can find these videos for absolutely free. Okay, so you go to these different marketplaces, you find these videos, you put it into your own meditation relaxation video. And then all he does is do avoidance on top of the videos. Leading people through meditation. Now like I said, if you know absolutely nothing about meditations, that is no problem at all because like I said, I'm gonna show you how you can outsource this process pay other people to make these videos for you, which is actually super easy to do.
how to make money on YouTube without making videos 2020
So I'm gonna show you howto do that in just a second. But first, let's look at how much money this guy's actually making from his meditation channel. And then let's look at the different ways we can monetize a channel like this. So taking a look here just from ads alone, this Michael Sealey guy's making between one in $17000 a month according to social blade just from ads, okay,this is just from ads. Now there's so many different ways of monetizing them. I'm gonna be getting into here on this video. But just from ads one to $17000 a month. And in my experience from running channels in niches similar tothis niche right here, I can tell you guys that this number is most likely from my experience about in the middle alittle bit more than halfway of what this estimate says. So if it says one to $17000 a month, I would guess that he's at least making $10000 a month, just from ads on his channel. Now, I could be estimating high, I could be estimating low, but as a general estimate, I would estimate that he's making about at least $10000 a month from ads. Now obviously, that's great, right? Who wouldn't want an extra$10000 a month from ads, but I reckon he's actually making more money using different monetization methods that I'm about to share with you on here. So as you can see right here, he makes all these types of videos. And he doesn't even upload that often. If we go back to his channel right here. I wanna show you how often he uploads so if we go to his videos section on his channel, he uploads only every couple months. Okay, this isn't like something where you have to make video every single day, although that would giveyou the best benefit and the best chances for succeeding on YouTube. But a niche like this,these are 40 minute videos and he's got a collection of meditations that people can go back to andre-listen to if they want to. He's got this huge collection. So taking a look here one week ago, 190000 views and thenhis video before that was one month ago 257000 views and then 700000 views four months ago, five months ago, six months ago, this guy hardly uploads only every couple months. Yet he's still let's take a look here and going back to the social blade statistics. He's still getting over 170000 views a day, on average, look at this 16800, 144000 views every single day and he only uploads every month or so. Are you guys starting to see the potential in running a channel in a niche like this and looking at subscribers right here 800 subscribers 500 subscribers, he's getting on average seven to 900 subscribers a day. How would you guys liketo be running a channel where every single day youget almost 900 subscribers. And these thumbnails looks so easy to make as well you just put a little stockphoto in the background with some texts on top of it. I mean, I'm sure you guys can make thumbnails like this. So this Michael Sealey guyis by far not the only person in the world making thesekinds of meditation videos and making a ton of money from it. Let's take a look at some more channels right here. Let's take a look at this channel 321 Relaxing Meditation Relax Clips now, if we go to their videos right here, I just wanna show you guys that this channel only uploads around once every three months. I mean, come on, look at this.
Their latest video was one week ago Bedtime Lullabies that looks like more of children's video, but most of their videos are more like just general meditation videos. See they sprinkle in a little bit of like a kid video every now and then. But the video before that was just Relaxing Sleep Music Flute and Sea. This wasn't even a meditation, they just put some background music on the video with some stock clips or stock images on top of the video, and then called it a video an hour long. That's one of the biggest thing that surprises me about these types of channels is the fact that they don't upload that frequently looking at this 321 Relaxation Meditation clips, it's just shocking to me that they can upload this infrequently and still get so many views and make so much money from their YouTube channels. You know, I'm used to just uploading every single day on my YouTube channels because I wanna give them the best chance for being successful that I possibly can. And the way I do that, and I ensure that, it's uploading frequently. So if you guys can upload more than once every three months, you have an instinct competitive advantage in a competitive edge against these channels that I'm showing you.
So looking at the social blade stats of this given channel right here, as you guys can see, this channel is getting 700, 300, 700 subscribers a day on their YouTube channel. And they only upload like once every three months. I mean, come on, this is absolutely crazy. So this channel makes between one and $26000 every single month. So I would guess it's more on the higher end based off of my experience in this niche, it's not a guarantee that they'remaking this much from ads. But I would guess that they're making at least $20000 a month, just from ads on their YouTube channel like that is honestly crazy. 200000 views a day on average on their YouTube channel between 19000 and$300000 every single year they're making just from ads. Like I said, just from ads. This isn't even counting the monetization methods and I'm about to show you guys later on in this video. Just from ads between19000 and $300000 a year.
I guarantee you they're making more than 100 grand a year just from their YouTube channel from ads alone not countingthe other monetization methods. Here's another channel doing pretty much the exact same thing. Power thoughts meditation club, this channel getting between500 to 1000 subscribers every single day betweenone and $20000 a month. And the interesting thingabout these channels guys that I wanna point out is that these channelsdon't show their face, like I already showed you thisMichael Sealey guy's channel, he shows his face but he doesn't really show his face on his videos. Apart from he does an occasional video where he says like thankyou for 600000 subscribers where he shows his face. But most of his videos,he doesn't show his face and the one he does hedoesn't get as many views as on the videos that hedoesn't show his face. The videos that he doesn't show his face is meditation videos, get the most views on his channel. Because that's what people wanna see. They're going there forthe meditation videos, not for videos of him talking like that's just what it is okay. And this channel right here doesn't even show their face 321 Relaxation Meditation clips doesn't even show their face almost a million subscribers 799000 subscribers. This channel does have over a million subscribers this channel got a gold play button and they don't even show their face.
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Power thoughts meditation club. Look at these channels. This is honestly crazy,that you can make this much this channel makes between 17000 and $284000 every single year just from their ads alone on their YouTube channel. The Honest Guys, here's another channel pretty much doing the exact same thing. These guys do show their faces. But as you can see people go to their channel for their meditation videos. Looking at their videos right here Guided Meditation Deep Relaxation, 56000 views a month these guys upload a little bit more often. Here's another channel, Jason Stephenson Sleep Meditation Music. I don't know why some of these people are showing their faces. I mean, maybe they want to be a celebrity in the meditation niche. But honestly, if I was running a channel like this, I'm not gonna show my face on the channel. I'm just gonna actually pay other people to do it, which I'm gonna bestowing you guys how to do in just a second here. But some of these people do show their face some of them don't. Here's another channel that doesn't. This is pretty much the one of the biggest meditation channels on YouTube. That I've been able to find andit's called Meditative Mind. Now, this channel has over2.23 million subscribers. And if we go to their social blade statistics right here, this channel, you guys aren't gonna believe this, this channel is making between four and $60000 a month. Okay, every single month,they're making that much between 43000 and $700000 a year. Just from ads alone. Okay, just from ads, guys,this is not even counting the other ways you can monetize your YouTube channel. That I'm gonna show you how these channels are incorporating that as well and making a ton of money doing that as well. I would even go as far to say they're making more money through these alternative monetization methods. And I'm about to show you guys then from ads alone, Okay, so this ads are just like a nice little extra thing, a nice little couple hundred thousand dollars a month extra on top of what they're already making from some of these alternative methods of monetizing their YouTube channel. In which you don't even have to have 100000 subscribers. 4000 hours of watch time, I see so many people complaining and saying how can I monetize my youtube channel faster? Well, I'm gonna show you exactly how you can do that in this video, especially if you'reinterested in running a channel in this meditation niche. Now the reason this channel is doing so good and getting over 2000 subscribers a day, almost half a million,over half a million views on someday every single day on their YouTube channel is because of how frequently that they're uploading. Compared to these other YouTube channels.
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So compared to the other channels in the meditation niche, this channel is uploading very frequently. As you can see, 19 hours ago, six days ago, one week ago, they upload pretty much at least a video a week. Sometimes two videos, two to three videos a week, as you can see this week they uploaded three videos. On this week they only uploaded one. On this week only one, The latest week they uploaded two different videos. And a lot of the videos don't even have any talking in them whatsoever. They literally just use stock footage in the background. And then they put some meditation music and I'm gonna show you how you can actually pay people to make this type of meditation music or just better yet pay them to make the entire meditation. With talking even some of themfor you, in just a second. But before I show you guys how you can do that, I just wanna show you guys some potential for this meditation niche. So logging into one of my keyword tools right here. As you can see, I search for the keyword meditation and the keyword meditation, people searching for meditation on YouTube. 10.7 million people every single month, search for this keyword on YouTube 10.7 million. Okay, and look at some of these other related keywords here guided meditation. 3.8 million searches a month. Meditation music 13million searches a month. Sleep music 17 million searches a month okay. Yoga, sleep relaxation, music, call music, stress relief music.
How to Make Money on YouTube Without creating your own Videos
This is a huge market guys. Millions of people a researching for these keywords every single month on YouTube. Are you guys starting to seethe potential here for you. Because all you guys have to do is get into some of these search results. And I actually have a method for getting into the search results, and then pivoting thatinto suggested traffic. So my method consists of,first of all getting views from search and then transitioning that to suggested Video Traffic. And that's just how you absolutely blow up on YouTube, especially if you implement similar metadata. If you guys don't know what similar metadata is, or any of this stuff I'm talking about, and you wanna discover the secret for blowing up on YouTube, check out my absolutely free training down at the link in the description. It's going to help you guys a ton, if you want to learn literally how to blow up on YouTube that is going to help you guys a ton. I put it together it's absolutely free down at the first link in the description. And if you guys wanna go more in depth I have a course on all this to, on exactly how you can do all of this and that will be down in the description as well if you guys are interested in that.
So what I do is I find high search volume, low competition keywords andI rank for those keywords I implement similar metadata, and then I transition the traffic from getting mostly search traffic. To suggested trafficimplement similar metadata. And this is how you blowchannels up on YouTube. And there's ton of littletips and tricks and secrets, that it go over at the course at the link in the description if you guys are interested in it. And I give my students thebest one on one attention that I possibly can. And answer their questions personally. And if you guys are interestedin signing up for that, the course is down at the link in the description. But like I promised you guys, I am going to show yousome of these alternative monetization methods that someof these channels are using, to, in my opinion, make way more from these methods, than from ads on YouTube. And then I'm gonna showyou how you can outsource the content creation yourself and pay other people tomake these videos for you. This is a super easy method, that I've haven't seen anybody else talk about online. I'm gonna be sharing it with you. I'm gonna be disclosing to you guys and revealing how youcan do this yourself. So taking a look here,I'll let me show you some alternative monetization methods that you can do. So looking at this guy, Michael Sealer. We went over this guy's channel, If we go over his latest video here, Sleep Hypnosis, we click this video. As you can see, there's anad playing on the video. If we go down to the description of this guy's video, and we click Show more, as you can see in the descriptions, of all of his different videos, he has a link to something called DPD-Cart now if you don't know what DPD-Cart is,
I think it stands forDigital Product Cart. And so basically, it's like a place where you can sell digital products. Now you're asking, whatare digital products? Digital products are things such as meditation, such as online courses,things of this nature that you can sell. So what would a meditation channel sell? What do you guys think of meditation channel will sell? That's right, there's selling meditations. Okay? I guarantee you if you get a million people watching one of your free meditations, a small percentage of them are going to be willing to pay like let's take a look at this 113 bucks for more premium meditation. And you get a little list of four different meditations Sleep Meditation Nightly,Nourishment Collection 4 MP3 for $13, I guarantee you this dude, getting 100000 views a day, all he needs is a couple ofthem to buy these things. And he's making a lot of money, from these many different meditation that he's selling on DPD-Cart. Now you don't have to use DPD-Cart. There's so many different ways you can sell meditations. You couldn't even sell an online course on how to meditate. I mean, the options and the opportunity in this is absolutely endless. Once you understand how well these channels are doing, so let's go to his growth domain for this right here. Let's see, he's selling all these different meditations. Look at this and I beta lot of these people who buy these meditations are repeat customers. Okay, so they buy a lotof these meditations. So going through here $2, $3 so most of these meditations are priced from like two to $3 and then he includes like meditation packs, like this one, that are like $15 and as you can see, I guarantee you this guy isselling a lot of meditations just by putting a link in the description of his YouTube videos.
How to Make Money on YouTube Without creating your own Videos
As you can see right here, he'sgot links in the description of his YouTube videos. And then he's up sellingthese meditations. Oh, wow and I just noticed as well, he has a link to the exact stock footage he uses in his videos. He has a link right at the bottom of his description on his videos, where he shows you he wherehe got the stock footage. I mean, it's like the blueprint is laid out there for you guys. And I wanna, I'm trying to show you guys exactly how you can do this as well. So let's take a look at some more of these channels right here, this one 321 Relaxation Club. I don't know if this channel's selling anything from their descriptions if we go. That doesn't look like they're selling anything which you're leaving a lot of money on the table by not selling anything. I guarantee you can make a lot more from selling stuff from your-YouTube channel than from ads and plus, you don't have to wait to get 1000 subscribers or 4000 hours of watch time. So if you guys don't have4000 hours of watch time or 1000 subscribers,you don't have to worry.
You can monetize your YouTube channels using these methods. So look at this PowerThoughts meditation Club 1.3 million subscribers. As you can see on their channel, they have a link to their website. So if we go to their website right here, I guarantee you they're going to be selling audio meditations. Look at that audio shop. They also sell lookalike spiritual clothing, free audio healing. And from these free audio healings, I guarantee you they try tosell you their products as well. So which is, there's nothingwrong with that whatsoever. And as you can see, theyhave all of these different meditations as they're selling so we go to their download audio store, we can see oh, look, they'reusing DPD-Cart as well. Look at this they're selling all their meditations on here as well. And this is an amazing way tomonetize your YouTube channel. The honest guys, they'reselling meditations to look at this. As you can see, they have the link to their store right here,right directly in their channel.
And it looks like they have apter on and all these different things, looks like they've merged they have donations, all this stuff that they can sell from their YouTube channel because they're getting a ton of views using some of the methods that I'm teaching you guys right here. And the story that I always like to tell is this channel that you guys are watching this on right now. At the time it had 7000 subscribers and I was making more money from this channel that you guys are watching right now, then from my another channel that I ran with over 100000 subscribers. And that's because I'm selling stuff from my YouTube channel. And you can always useaffiliate marketing to, to sell products you don't even know because I know a lot of you guys are like, I don't think I can make a course I don't think I can make meditations.
Well you guys don't have to, with one I'm about to show you right now. So like I promised you guys, I showed you this amazing niche with amazing opportunity on YouTube, I showed you how youcan monetize this niche and make money from it. And now I'm gonna show you,how you can pay other people to make these videos for you. So you don't even have to know anything about meditation whatsoever to make these videos and to run a huge meditation channel on YouTube. Now, I'm not guaranteeing that if you do the tactics I'm teaching, you gonna get a million views. You gonna get a million subscribers, you gonna make hundredsof thousands of dollars from your YouTube channelevery single year. I can't guarantee thatbecause I can't guarantee. You guys will actually go out and take the information I'mtelling you and implement it. I can not guarantee that,but what I can guarantee you is that there are peopleout there doing this. And I'm showing you guys this, because it's possible, okay. It is possible to go out and to do this and to make money from YouTuberunning a meditation channel. And like I promise you, let me show you an amazing way that I've seen nobody talked about online. How you can outsourcethese types of channels. And to do that, we're firstgonna go to Google here and then we're going to type in Fiverr. So I'm not sure if you guyshave ever heard of Fiverr, but if we search for Fiverr right here. As you can see Fiverr. so Fiverr is basically amarketplace for businesses. Fiverr got it's name fromselling like $5 products, people will sell like $5 things on Fiverr. Like I will design a logo for you for $5 things of that nature, but what I found on Fiverris absolutely crazy. So if we go to Fiverr here, and we search meditation, all right, let's search meditation on Fiverr.
Let's take a look at this right here. Look at this, I will Professionally record a guided meditation for $15. You can pay someone $15 and they'll record a meditation for you. And all you guys need, is to that video to get over 15000 views and you make your moneyback just from ads. That's not even counting if you're selling meditations out the back end of your YouTube channel, and that's not the only one Okay. There's all of these different things I will give you got ameditation for commercial use, make sure they saycommercial use by the way. if you gonna do this, make sure they say commercialuse, like this one does. So commercial use and I think this lady does commercial use too. So I will provide a professional recorded guided meditation, if we go to this right here, actually, let's go to this one. As you guys can see full master rights make sure it says that. So full master rights,five minute meditation and the thing about this is, you might be saying likeis some of these channels have 11 minutes, hour videosorry, not minutes, hours, some of these channelshave 11 hour videos, and how am I gonna be able to do that? Well, you can pay, someoneto make a five minute video. And then you can loop it. You can loop that audio with a bunch of stock clips together. And you can make thesevideos super easily, so looking at this ladies gigs here, you don't have to pay more than the five minutes of narration, you can get that five minutesand loop it for yourself. Okay, so as you can see,we have guided meditations, that lady selling meditations. Look at all of thesegigs on here of people who will provide youwith guided meditation. So many people even doscripts like this one, I will create amazingguided meditation scripts.
Now what if you didn't wanna pay someone to do thevoiceover for your videos? You could do it yourself. All you need is a phone okay? When I started out on YouTube, I would literally record the videos using this crappy littleiPhone that I had. And I was making $9000 a month doing that and I was just going into highschool when I was doing that. Okay, that was like life changing money for me back then right, $9000 a month I was making more than my parents, all my friends by making YouTube channels that I can outsource okay. And the way that I brokethrough that ceiling and I reached next level was by outsourcing my content creation by paying other people tomake the videos for me. That's eventually how Ibroke through the ceiling. But if you guys want to start, you guys want to startmaking money online. You can do this yourself too.
how to make money on youtube without making videos 2020
If you have no money to invest and you're completely broke, you can start doing this yourself. You can start by watchingmeditation channels on YouTube, writing down similar meditations,recording them yourself, putting some royaltyfree background music, putting some royalty freestock footage's together any you can't just do thisand expect them to go viral. You really wanna putit in a system in place for making sure you're notwasting your time on YouTube. And that is why I'mactually providing my course which is down at thelink in the description as well as a completely free training. So if you're on the fence about the course or you can afford my course that I offer, check out my free training. This is going to help you guys a ton at the first link down in the description. I guarantee you that free training is going to help you guys a ton. If you go check it out, but like I said, look at all of these different meditations that are being offered on Fiverr that you guys can pay for, for as little as $5, some of these that you guys can pay for, and upload to your YouTube channel. So they're just pages of these guys, you guys can go do this. And there's so many different ways you can monetize these types of channels. You can offer private meditation sessions, where you have people pay like $100 to do a one hour meditationwith you via Skype if you aren't capable of doing that. But if you're not likeI'm showing you guys all these different channelsthat are doing this, a lot of these aren'teven showing their face. A lot of these I guarantee you, they're paying other peopleto make these videos for them. But you can do it yourself if you want and that's the beauty of this method. You can do this yourself if you want and then we start making money from it.
You can reinvest that money back into this and make this huge content creation video creation, assembly line machine. Whatever you want to call it, and you can make a tonof money doing this. And that is the beauty of this method is that a beginner can do this. More if you already have money to invest, you can invest in digital assets. Digital properties on the web, which I think YouTube channel sand YouTube videos are, that's how I view them,okay, that's why I'm starting all these different channel sin different niches, and making a ton of money from it. That's how I'm getting millions of subscribers on my YouTube channels. And just a couple years ago,I was a broke high schooner, and if I can go from that,to run a YouTube channels with millions of subscribers, I truly believe that you can to. So I hope this video helpedyou guys an absolute ton. I thought this was a really cool method and I was really excited toshare this with you guys. I just wanna thank you guys so much for watching this video. It really means the world to me.
And if you're interested in more business ideas, YouTube ideas, how to make money with YouTube yourself. Subscribe to this YouTube channel. I'm gonna be putting outabsolutely free videos that you guys can watch. And if you wanna learn in depth, you wanna get coached by me, check out my free training at the first link in the description and also check out my course if you wanna take your YouTube channel to the next level. We are absolutely blowingup YouTube channels within the course member community. So if you guys wannajoin that check it out links are down in the description. If you guys are interested in more on how to make money with YouTube, check out other posts right here that I put together completely free on how you can start making money on YouTube yourself.
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